Candidates For City of Madras Mayor & Council - November 2020 Election

The following candidates have filed paperwork to run for the office of Mayor and three City Council positions in the City of Madras at the November 3, 2020 General Election. All elected positions are uncompensated volunteers. 

Mayor  (2-Year Term)

  • Richard Ladeby, Incumbent, Non-Partisan

Council  (4-Year Term) 

  • Gary Walker, Incumbent, Republican
  • Jennifer Holcomb, Incumbent, Republican
  • Austin Throop, Democrat
  • Mathew Birchard, Republican

The current focus of the Madras City Council includes:

  1. Adoption and Implementation of a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy to focus and guide leadership on the use of resources in improving the overall economic health of Madras.
  2. Creation and Implementation of a Housing Strategy to increase housing units for all income levels.
  3. Providing Infrastructure in the Urban Growth Boundary Expansion Area (UGAMA) and collaborate with Jefferson County to create a framework to address future needs and enhance development opportunities within the Urban Growth Area.
  4. Improving the Transportation System by developing a reliable source of funds to maintain paved roads at acceptable levels.
  5. Reducing Infrastructure Backlog by developing a Capital Improvements Program that prioritizes all capital projects with cost estimates.
  6. Increasing the Level of Community Engagement.