At their April 14th meeting, the Madras City Council and the Madras Redevelopment Commission voted to set up an Economic Assistance Grant Program to help Madras businesses adversely affected by the COVID-19 restrictions. The Madras City Council appropriated $100,000 for businesses located within Madras city limits and the Madras Redevelopment Commission appropriated $200,000 for businesses located within the Madras Urban Renewal area. The application process was open April 29th through May 8th with the following criteria:

Madras businesses must:

  • Have a physical presence in Madras;
  • Have a current City of Madras business license;
  • Be a for-profit business; and
  • Have been directly impacted by the government-mandated shut down due to Coronavirus.

The City received a total of 82 qualified applicants during this round of applications and is ready to award over $191,000 in grant funding to these local businesses. “This has been one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had the pleasure of being involved with since joining the Council,” stated Mayor Ladeby. “Helping our local businesses during this difficult economic time is a high priority for both the Madras Redevelopment Commission and the City Council.”

The qualifying businesses must be able to provide the City with a W-9 before receiving their checks, which will either be hand-delivered or mailed beginning next week.

This grant program is just one of several ways the City has tried to help businesses during these difficult economic restrictions. The City pulled their proposed food and beverage tax measure from the May ballot, provided a three-month payment forgiveness to businesses with loans through the Redevelopment Commission, and provided assistance to retail businesses that would help them develop online marketplaces. In addition, the City partnered with the Chamber and the Madras Pioneer in funding full-page advertising for businesses in the newspaper and signboards and banners advertising take-out for restaurants in town. “Collectively, our efforts have been, and will continue to be, to help our local businesses through this tough economic time,” stated Madras Redevelopment Commissioner and Councilor Bartt Brick.

The Task Force assigned to this program will be reviewing the reopening process over the next couple of weeks to determine if there are other ways remaining funding can be useful to local businesses.