City of Madras Responds to Governor Brown’s November 2020 Statewide Pause

During the next two weeks of Governor Kate Brown’s statewide “pause,” Madras City Hall will remain open to residents needing to pay their utility bills, while arrangements for other in-person business may be scheduled by calling 541-475-2344. City parks and play areas will remain open.

“Our primary focus is to protect our employees, reduce the number of COVID cases in our community so businesses can reopen fully and schools can hold “in class” sessions,” stated City Administrator Gus Burril.

Regarding recommendations from Governor Brown on the role of law enforcement, “Officers of the Madras Police Department will continue to inform and educate,” stated Madras Police Chief Tanner Stanfill.

“While none of us like the impacts these restrictions have on our community, we want to get through the next couple of weeks as quickly as possible with as little adverse impact on our businesses as possible. In that regard, we encourage everyone to order take-out from our restaurants and continue to support businesses however they can, while taking precautions for their family and loved ones,” stated Mayor Richard Ladeby.