Budget Committees

If you're looking for an opportunity to serve your community, but don't have a lot of time to commit, serving on a Budget Committee is a great place to start. There are two Budget Committees for the City. The City Budget Committee which meets annually and the Madras Urban Renewal Agency Budget Committee which meets biannually. Both consists of only 2 or 3 meetings per session occurring in the Spring (typically April). The meetings are in the evening and the City typically provides a meal! These committees provide a great opportunity for community members to participate, provide a valuable service, and not have to be overly committed. Members don't need a financial background, just a willingness to learn and a desire to see their community grow with fiscal responsibility.

The Budget Committee meets with City staff to review the annual draft budget prepared by staff. During these meetings, the Budget Committee also reviews funding requests from the community for their community projects. In addition, Staff seeks support for various projects in their departments and community service offerings. Once the Budget Committee is satisfied with the draft budget, the budget is recommended to the City Council for approval.

There are currently vacancies on the Budget Committee. If you are  interested in serving on this committee, are a Jefferson County registered voter, and reside within City limits, please click here.