Homeless Advisory Committee

About the Committee

The Homeless Advisory Committee was formed in response to the homelessness and homeless camping issues withing the incorporated limits of the City of Madras. The committee consists of members from the City Council, law enforcement, emergency medical services, public health, the faith community, mental health, legal advocacy, and a community advocate.  Other participants will include the city administrator and representative staff from community development and public works. The primary purpose of the committee is to ensure all service agencies are working together toward common goals related to issues involving both seen and unseen homeless individuals. As an advisory committee, they will not make decisions, but make recommendations to the City Council on matters concerning homelessness and homeless camping.


The Committee holds regular meetings generally once or twice a month. To receive meeting alerts or other information, you can subscribe here. Agendas and Meeting packets are typically distributed five days in advance of the meetings.


If you're interested in presenting a topic at one of the Homeless Advisory Committee meetings, please contact the Committe Chair Mayor Mike Lepin