Jefferson County Transportation Equity Project

Information on the Jefferson County Pathway Project can be found here:  COIC website.

Information on the 2026 ODOT Highway 97 Project can be found here: ODOT website.


The Jefferson County Transportation Equity Project (JCTEP) may very well be the biggest transportation project the City has tackled since 2004 when it extended "J" Street and built the Grizzly and Yarrow roundabouts. From that time in 2004 until July 2021, the population of Madras has grown by 42% which has had a significant impact on transportation systems.


The projects included in the JCTEP will provide an improved route parallel to US 97 that will reduce reliance on that highway by providing an expanded local roadway system connecting to improved intersections at "J" Street and US 97. The projects are consistent with the Madras Transportation System Plan (TSP), which strives to improve local connectivity within south Madras. 

Phase 1-Option 1:

  • Construct turn lane improvements at Hall Road/Culver Highway.
  • Construct turn lane improvements at J Street/Culver Highway.
  • Complete Hall Road extension between US 97 and Culver Highway.
  • Construct an enhanced pedestrian crossing at H Street/Culver Highway.
  • Install traffic signals at J Street/US 97 Couplet.

Alternatively, improvements at Hall Road/Culver Highway and J Street/Culver Highway (shown in bold and italics) could be modified to construct their preferred configuration as roundabouts if available funds allow. This would increase the cost of Phase 1 but reduce the overall improvement costs by avoiding rework at these key intersections. These improvements are shown as Phase 1-Option 2.

Phase 1-Option 2:  

  • Construct a single lane roundabout at Hall Road/Culver Highway.
  • Construct a single lane roundabout at J Street/Belmont Lane/Culver Highway.

Phase 2: 

  • Construct a local road between Hall Road and Bi-Mart.

Similar to Phase 1-Option 2, Phase 2 improvements could be constructed sooner if available funding allows.   

  • Hall Road Extension between US 97 and Culver Highway
    • Identified connection in TSP.
    • Key road to serve priority development area between US 97 and Culver Highway.
    • East-west connection provides access to Culver Highway and reduces reliance on US 97.
  • Hall Road/Culver Highway Intersection
    • Intersection improvement as identified in the TSP.
    • Intersection form (side-street stop-controlled or roundabout) to be determined based on capacity needs.
  • H Street/Culver Highway Intersection
    • An enhanced pedestrian crossing is currently under evaluation by the City of Madras and ODOT.
    • Improved walking connection would connect new development to the west with services and amenities to the east.
  • J Street/Belmont Lane/Culver Highway
    • Need for intersection improvement identified in the TSP.
    • City conducted an intersection evaluation to determine interim and long-term improvement options based on future growth. Near-term option would construct a side-street stop-controlled intersection with turn-lanes. Long-term option would construct a single-lane roundabout.
  • US97/J Street Signals, Sidewalks, Streetscapes and Enhanced Pedestrian Highway Crossings
    • Need for traffic signal at these intersections included in the TSP.
    • Capacity enhancement would provide improved access to US 97 by those utilizing Culver Highway as a parallel route for north-south travel.
    • Further coordination with US97 Pavement Rehab project (Earl to Colfax) will be necessary. Specifically, the ongoing ODOT project is expected to provide modifications to the intersections, including ADA ramp upgrades.
    • Both intersections meet traffic signal warrants based on volumes and population.
    • Click here for information on the ODOT transportation improvement project slated to begin in 2024 (US 97 from Chestnut Street through Madras to Colfax Lane & US 26 from Earl Street to junction with US 97). 
  • Hall Road to Bi-Mart Local Access
    • Provides local access route to key economic area.
    • Reduces reliance on state highway.

Preliminary estimates for the improvements total about $11.1 million. If the City of Madras and Jefferson County contribute $1 million each, that leaves $9.1 to raise. Improvements won't begin until the money is committed. City Staff are pursuing grants and other funding options.


In September 2022, the City agreed to partner with Jefferson County in a grant to develop The Safety Action Plan (TSAP). The TSAP will set the City up for future funding opportunities to implement safety projects and programs and provide the City with a comprehensive approach to reducing crash frequency and severity, typically focusing on reducing or eliminating fatal and severe crashes. Through the development of the TSAP, crash analysis and screening of the entire roadway network will be used to understand both key locations where fatal and severe crashes have happened, as well as risk factors associated with these crashes. By understanding where the highest priority intersections and segments are, the City can prioritize these locations for projects. The TSAP allows for screening of the entire roadway network and identification of risk factors, which goes beyond a typical Transportation System Plan’s safety analysis.

On February 1, 2023, the United States Department of Transportation awarded a $200,000 Safe Streets 4 All grant for the development of the TSAP.


Mike Whitfield, Public Works Director 541-475-2344

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Project Overview
Hall Road Extension
Culver-Hall Roundabout
Culver-Belmont-J Stop
Culver-Belmont-J Roundabout
US97 at J Signals
Bi-Mart Access Road