Transportation System Plan

The City of Madras Transportation System Plan (TSP) provides a vision to guide future transportation investments and policy decisions for the community of Madras. The plan has been developed through extensive coordination between local and state agencies, local and regional decision-making bodies, and the engagement of local residents and business owners. This TSP identifies and prioritizes outlines the future transportation system investments and policies needed to meet existing and future community needs. It also includes planning level costs for each of the identified projects and a recommended funding plan.

This TSP also includes Concept Area Plans for three key growth areas within the city. These plans address the possibility of significant economic development within each area and the needed transportation improvements to support future land use investments. These areas are:

  • North Industrial Concept Area
  • East Madras Concept Area
  • South Madras Concept Area

The TSP listed below provides detailed information and references.


The City 's TSP was originally adopted in 2006 with an update to the pedestrian and bicycle elements in 2012. In 2019, Council adopted an updated TSP that was informed by a detailed technical analysis and public engagement activities that spanned nearly two years, included three public open houses, and guidance by a technical and project advisory committee. 

In 2022, the Council authorized Staff to pursue a Transportation Safety Action Plan in partnership with Jefferson County with funding from the Safe Streets and Roads for All grant program. A TSAP will provide invaluable benefits in helping the City develop a comprehensive approach to reducing both crash frequency and the severity of crashes with an emphasis on reducing or eliminating fatal crashes. The TSAP will include crash analysis and screening of the entire Madras roadway network and will be used to identify key locations where fatal and severe crashes have occurred, as well as the risk factors associated with those crashes. Determining these locations will allow the City to prioritize them for improvement. Further, having a TSAP will allow the City to apply for grant funding on projects identified within the Plan that would not otherwise be available.